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Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Podcast & Blast with Hal Herring

Jun 21, 2023

BHA Podcast & Blast, Ep. 158: Hunting at American Prairie


American Prairie is 455,840 sprawling acres of Montana grasslands and breaks that represents one of the largest expansions of publicly accessible hunting opportunities in the West— and one of America’s largest public/private land conservation projects....

Jun 6, 2023

BHA Podcast & Blast, Ep. 157: Kevin Garrad, Founder of Wild Response

Growing up in rural England, Kevin Garrad was a child of the wild moors, a ferreter and a trainer of lurchers, a hunter of invasive minks, and destined to be a soldier. Fast forward to an early-in to the U.S. military just out of high school and eight...